Diana, Frances, Helen and Ruth (left to right)

Oakham Treasures is the demonstration of one man’s passion for collecting memorabilia throughout his lifetime. The owner, Keith Sherrell, born in 1939, is a 5th generation West Country Farmer, and began collecting farm machinery in the 60’s as a sideline to his business of buying and selling used farm machinery. As Keith says, ‘I started buying a bit more, and selling a bit less. The things I really loved I kept and it went on from there’.

More recently, Keith turned his interest into the retail area, and has steadily built up a huge and varied museum across all aspects of the old high street including an old grocery store, haberdashery, hardware store, chemist, tobacconist, off licence, and sweet shop.

Keith has spent years travelling the country visiting auctions, seeking out nuggets for his museum. He is also an avid eBay surfer and as his reputation has spread he has purchased more and more artefacts through word of mouth and regular contacts.

Keith on the farm as a young man

Keith runs the museum with his wife Frances, and 3 daughters, Ruth, Helen and Diana. Amazingly, no outside help has been drafted in to create or run the museum. Keith and his 3 farm hands painstakingly catalogued and arranged the displays themselves over a number of years. Keith has drafted members of his team to work in the museum and café, and his wife cooks the freshly prepared food which is sold in the café.